How brilliant is that! And weirdly it happens time after time. So I would like to thank all those people who for one reason or another were very lovely to me last night 'at the show' which of course , before hand, was 'fucked up as usual', but ended with myself and Julie feeling terrific.
I thank you all, especially Wayne.
Meanwhile, when you think about it, The Doors were better at 'the blues' than Led Zeppelin at least twice, with 'Roadhouse Blues' and 'LA Woman'. I say this because Zeppelin is mostly about having sex in a rather simplistic way ('Juice running down my leg..' 'deep deep down inside' etc) of actually doing/having it; Penetration, climax POW WOW WOW! with delightful mystical accompaniment of course which rather suits us idiots.
However, Jim Morrison is somebody so fucked up with his life in the world you can't imagine him ever having either the inclination or the energy to have sex at all, and I have a vision of him dying rather happily in that Parisian bathtub after having said 'fuck it' in so many METAPHORICAL, alienated, ways. THAT is what makes Morrison a rock god, and as of today I will no longer have any truck with the 'fat bastard pretentious wasted twit poetry writing scumbag' line on him. I'm so pleased I've finally gotten to the bottom of it.
And if you think this kind of thinking as any good, then remember to spend lots of time sitting on your arse NOT DOING STUFF.
Lots of Love and thanks to you all.