Friday 6 January 2012

R Crumb

Some things that arrive as a result of my midnight rambles on e-bay are a delight. Take this, straight from Sacramento, $100, the set of Crumb blues heroes (partially shown above) and this, fellow pickers, is one beautiful piece. There is something about Crumb, and there's something about 'small multiples', sets like this, that just blows me away. I fantasize that on seeing Crumb, Gerhard Richter did his 48 western philosophers, in grey of course. I once tried an alpine hut series of old post cards, didn't get far, my old professor painted nothing but sheds, until he moved backwards to nothing but trees. Julie's done endless 'Beauties of Today' and there's hardly a day without sets of 'men wearing watch chains' or whatever slipping through the letter box.
Multiples of the same thing, we like them, they allow us to establish difference.
I'm wondering if anybody's ever done an architects series like this? I suspect such an apparently simple idea is beyond the general consensus. Instead we have Hellman drawing architects like their buildings.

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