Tuesday, 30 November 2010


A million seconds lasts a bit less than 12 days, a billion seconds is thirty two years. That could fuck your understanding of the present economic situation for sure. Meanwhile I'm watching 'Beyond Walford' on BBC3 where some crap actress is bloody well running my local pub ( well one of them) in the name of the 'Spectacle', which means they had an idea for making a program about a 'real' east end pub, and some numpty or collection of numpties under twenty five years of age said that wasn't interesting enough, and they needed a 'celebrity' to fuck it up. That (with the voice over) is the definition of the 'Spectacle'. And they say she becomes 'a real East Ender' at the end.
Meanwhile again, We'd like to thank all those who amazingly braved the cold and the strike to join us last night at the White Horse. It was lovely, thank you all xxx

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Paul and Julie.

    Just read/viewed the book and it made for a nice evening! The snow is driving and my little flat is getting cold. Though sadly i had no alcohol to acompany the read. I think i made up for it last night! The launch seemed to go well and you both left with smiles on your faces. I however ended up on Brick Lane...

    I liked the book. Very engrossing. It felt there were lessons in there i will much appreciate as i steer my way through middle age. Loved the hue of the photos and the step-by-step reality of the journey they recorded. The presentation was nice to. There is an idea of America i always see in my head and these photographs seemed faithfull to the myth.

    Im a big fan of the "relaxing holiday". Hate beaches but give me a Munich bar and im sorted. So i could picure myself in your shoes. But nobody could tell it like Paul!

    I shall definately be reading it again! Im halfway through Hell's Angels at the moment which is pretty good. Plus you may like this link:


    Alex Cox
