Sunday 9 January 2011


So Lady GaGa as 'creative director' of Polaroid (this is a bit like making Tommy Lee an executive of Jack Daniels) has inspired sunglasses that, essentially, take pictures of herself (as she says-illustrated by the use of mobile phone cameras at her concerts) and then display the results on the sunglasses themselves, presumably meaning GAGA would enjoy, wearing her own sunglasses by polaroid in the concert, an infinite arena of images of herself by infinite mirrorship. She must be squealing with delight.
You cannot avoid comparison with the original image to the cover of Guy Debord's 'Society of the Spectacle' (look it up). It's fucking happened!!
I suppose walking around Tesco's in Lady GaGa's sunglasses will make many young people happy to pronounce 'I'm walking around Tesco's!' on the face of the same sunglasses (Like we are all supposed to care?) However, it is the natural extension of Twitter and so on, but with less imagination than 'I'm having a shit and I'm worried about the blood (Kingsley Amis).' It is more 'Look at me!' - even if I'm just shopping in Tesco's!' And for a man of my generation, it sucks. Sunglasses used to hide, now they profess.
Queen at least wrote Radio GaGa ironically.

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